Click here to see the church calendar

Service times (11:00 unless otherwise stated),

We look forward to seeing you in church.

Click here if you’d like to see some previous services

Monday 1st July
Muckhart Community Café – There will be no Community Café this week.

Thursday 4th July
Sing and Soup 12.30pm Burnside Halll will be welcoming members of the Bridge of Allan Stroke Club. Come along and join us as we enjoy food and good company. The theme of the songs/music will be The USA in recognition of the date! All are welcome. Please contact Cathy Gladwin if you would like more information or a lift 07710753537.

The prayer meeting will be meeting at 2pm in the home of Muriel Simpson. Come and pray for our community, Church, and world. All welcome.

Thursday 18th July
Burnside Service will be held at the Burnside Hall at 10.30am. Led by Rev. Philip Hacking. It is a short informal service of worship followed by refreshments. All welcome.

Monday 22nd July
Intimations for the August Linkage sheet should be sent to the by Monday 22nd July.

linking lives – building communities